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Birtakim Cizgiler

Türker'in komik bir fotoğrafı

I have been interested in cartoons since I was a child. This interest, which was previously only following print and digital media, has also evolved into drawing since 2019. Thereupon, I took off my engineer hat and put on my cartoonist wig. Then I created @birtakimcizgiler Instagram account to share my amateur work. ("Birtakim Cizgiler" means "Some kind of drawn lines" in Turkish) I continue to scribble when the inspiration strikes.

Mini Mini Cizgiler

Gülümseyen kız çocuğu

My daughter Beliz is also interested in cartoons. She creates her own lines by blending the characters she sees from the cartoons with her imagination. When she grows up, she wants to be a cartoonist. (Actually she wants to be many other things and Cartoonist is only one of them :))  The cartoons she drew are on @miniminicizgiler Instagram page! ("Mini Mini Cizgiler" has a meaning of "Drawings at her mother's knee" in Turkish)

My Favorites

Karikatür çizim resmi

Maybe the drawing style, maybe the jokes, maybe the point of view... I wanted to share my favorite comics from local / international artists here. Enjoy!

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